Committee of Recommendation

Committee Of Recommendation

prof. mr. drs. M. de Cock Buning
Commissioner at the Committee for Media.
Chairman of the Center for Intellectual Property Rights (CIER).
Professor of Authors, Communication and Media Law at the Molengraaff Institute, Utrecht University.
Chairman of the High-Level Group on Fake News and online disinformation

prof. mr. A.F.M. Dorresteijn
Emeritus professor of Transnational aspects of Corporate Law at the Molengraaff Institute.
Advisor at AKD.

prof. mr. A.A. Franken
Professor of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law at Utrecht University.
Partner at Franken Zuur Van Kampen Croes Advocaten.

prof. mr. I. Giesen
Professor of Private Law, in particular Liability Law and Civil Procedural Law.
Research Director Department of Law.

prof. mr. E.H. Hondius
Professor of Civil Law at the Molengraaff Institute.
President Netherlands Comparative Law Association.
Editor in chief European review of Private Law.

prof. mr. C. Kelk
Emeritus Professor of Criminal Law at the Willem Pompe Institute

prof. dr. mr. G.G.J. Knoops
Attorney at Knoops' Advocaten.

prof.dr. H.R.B.M. Kummeling
Rector Magnificus Universiteit Utrecht

mr. J. Mendlik
President of the court Midden-Nederland

drs. E.H.T.M. Nijpels
Chairman NL engineers.
Board member of the daily management of the organization VNO-NCW and many other functions.
Former Queen's Commissioner in Friesland.

Dr. Mr. N.C. Van Oostrom-Streep
Executive manager Law Firm School
Advisor NautaDutilh N.V.
Deputy councilor Hof Arnhem-Leeuwarden
Chairman of ROC Rivor Supervisory Board

mr. M.J. Oudeman
Voorzitter van College van Bestuur, Universiteit Utrecht.   
Voormalig lid van de Raad van Bestuur van AkzoNobel.

mw. mr. H.A.G. Splinter - van Kan
Counselor in the Supreme Court of the Netherlands and deputy judge in the Benelux Court of Appeal.

em. prof. mr. Bernard Wientjes
Pres. Commissioner KPMG
Chairman of the Construction Agenda Taskforce
Chairman of the Advisory Board of the SVB (Social Insurance Bank)
Chairman of the Rijksmuseum Fund Board
Member of the Advisory Board of the Dordrecht Museum

dr. H.H.F. Wijffels
Part-time professor 'sustainability and social change', Utrecht Center for Earth and Sustainability, Utrecht University
Former chairman of the Social and Economic Council.

mr. J.H.C. van Zanen
Mayor of Utrecht from January 1, 2014.
Mayor of Amstelveen from July 1, 2005 to January 1, 2014.
Alderman Utrecht April 1998 to April 1, 2005.

Young Talent GroupWijn & StaelVan DoorneKennedy Van der Laan